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This section refers to the old versions of the MonkJs SDK (version 3.X.X and below). For the v4 docs, please refer to this page.

๐Ÿ”“ Authenticating

Several streams are available to allow your users to authenticate. We will assume that you already have a valid access token.

First stepsโ€‹

Install @monkvision/corejs from npm

npm install @monkvision/corejs --save

Install @monkvision/corejs from yarn

yarn add @monkvision/corejs

Create a config.js file where you can set your environment variables to the Monk config singleton. Here an example for production:

import monk from '@monkvision/corejs'; // Singleton
import dotenv from 'dotenv'

// Use the env config tool that fit your own project
// For example:
// import Constants from 'expo-constants';
// const config = Constants.manifest.extra;

const env = dotenv.config()

if (env.error) {
throw env.error

const axiosConfig = {
baseURL: `https://${env.API_DOMAIN}`, //
headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' },

const authConfig = {
domain: env.AUTH_DOMAIN, //
audience: env.AUTH_AUDIENCE, //
clientId: env.AUTH_CLIENT_ID, // your own client id given by our team

monk.config.axiosConfig = axiosConfig;
monk.config.authConfig = authConfig;

After authenticating with the workflow you've chosen, you can set your access token to Monk config singleton.

import { config } from '@monkvision/corejs';

monk.config.accessToken = myOwnAccessToken;

How to get an access token ?โ€‹

There is several ways to authenticate a user.

With Auth0 CreateInspection Boxโ€‹

Documentation under construction, please ask directly to the team.

With Machine to Machine requestsโ€‹

Documentation under construction, please ask directly to the team.