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Local Development

The packages section only references the MonkJs packages used as main dependencies of Node apps, and necessary to develop a production app. But the MonkJs SDK contains a lot of other NPM packages that can be used as dev dependencies when developing your Node apps. These include packages like preferred linting rules, custom TypeScript configurations, testing utilities etc. Obviously, all of this is optional and just here to make your developer life a bit simpler if your code practices align with ours. As a matter of fact, the entire MonkJs SDK is being developed and maintained using these quality of life packages.

If you plan on installing one of these local development packages in your project, just make sure to install the exact same version as the MonkJs version that you are currently using.


The following packages export ESLint configurations that can extended, using the following syntax :

module.exports = {
extends: ['@monkvision/eslint-config-base'],

Project Configurations

The following packages export shared configurations used to configure local development dependencies :

Testing Utilities

The MonkJs SDK also includes a testing utility package called @monkvision/test-utils that exports useful functions and tools used for unit testing.