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MonkJs is a NodeJs SDK, designed for React and React Native to help developers interact with the Monk API more easily.

Monk Workflow

Monk offers AI solutions that allow users and developers to analyze pictures of vehicles in order to detect various elements such as damages, cost of repair and such. In order to use these AI solutions, developers can use Monk's API that exposes endpoints to communicate with the AI models. The usual Monk workflow when using our API looks like this :

  1. Log into our Auth0 authentication service with a registered account and get the authentication token. This token should be included with every request made to the Monk API.
  2. Create an Inspection using the POST /inspection endpoint, and specify which AI models (which Tasks) you want to run during this inspection.
  3. Take pictures of your vehicle and add them to your inspection using the POST /inspection/{id}/images endpoint. For each picture, specify which Task you want to run on it.
  4. Analyze the result of the image quality checks and retake non-compliant pictures.
  5. Once all the pictures are uploaded, tell the API to start the inspection Tasks by using the PATCH /inspection/{id}/tasks/{name} endpoint.
  6. Wait for the Tasks to complete.
  7. Obtain the results of the inspection using the GET /inspection endpoint.
  8. Update the AI results if some of them are wrong using the different severity endpoints.
  9. Ask the API to generate a PDF report containing the summary of the inspection results using the POST /inspections/${id}/pdf endpoint.
  10. Wait for the PDF to be generated.
  11. Download your PDF report using the GET /inspections/${id}/pdf endpoint.

The MonkJs SDK offers solutions to easily implement this workflow into your web or native application. If you want to implement this workflow yourself, you can refer to our API Documentation and API Swagger for more documentation.


Among other things, the MonkJs SDK offers the following tools to implement the workflow mentionned above :

  • A package called network that offers utility functions to easily communicate with our API.
  • Single-page components like PhotoCapture that you can place in your app to display a camera preview and allow users to take pictures of their vehicle, analyze the quality of the pictures taken and upload them to the API.
  • A single-page component called InspectionReport that you can place in your app to display the results of an insepction, update the results if needed, and ask the API to generate the PDF report.

The complete list of packages available in the MonkJs SDK is described in this page.