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The MonkJs SDK automatically keeps track of monitoring events such as errors, console logs and performance measuring. Internally, we use Sentry to monitor our SDK, and you are free to use our Sentry infrastructure or use the monitoring tool of your need.

Why Use Monitoring?

Although you have the choice to not opt for our monitoring features when using our SDK, we heavily recommend doing so for the following reasons :

  • It allows you, as a developer, to more easily debug your own app by using our ready-to-use local monitoring providers
  • It allows you and us to keep track of errors and performance issues, live in your deployed applications
  • Monk does not offer any tech support in deployed applications and projects for which monitoring is disabled

Enabling Monitoring

In order to enable monitoring support in your application, simply wrap your application in a MonitoringProvider component, exported by the @monkvision/monitoring, and pass it the Monitoring Adapter of your choice (see the Monitoring Adapter section below) :

import { DebugMonitoringAdapter, MonitoringProvider } from '@monkvision/monitoring';

const adapter = new DebugMonitoringAdapter();

function App() {
return (
<MonitoringProvider adapter={adapter}>

Once you have done this, every child component of this provider will have access to the useMonitoring hook (of the same package), that export tools to use the monitoring feature :

import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useMonitoring } from '@monkvision/monitoring';

function ChildComponent() {
const { handleError } = useMonitoring();

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

The complete list of features available using the useMonitoring hook is available in the @monkvision/monitoring README file.

Monitoring Adapters

A Monitoring Adapter is a tool or a platform that implements monitoring utilities that can be used by the MonkJs SDK to effectively keep track of monitoring logs. Basically, by choosing a Monitoring Adapter, you choose on which platform the monitoring will be logged. In practice, a Monitoring Adapter is any JavaScript class that implements the MonitoringAdapter interface of the @monkvision/monitoring package.

The MonkJs SDK exports 3 Monitoring Adapters that you can use in your React apps and the following sections describe them. You can also create your own adapter if you want to use a custom monitoring infrastructure for your project. More details on this in the @monkvision/monitoring README file.


import { EmptyMonitoringAdapter } from '@monkvision/monitoring';

const adapter = new EmptyMonitoringAdapter();

This Monitoring Adapter does nothing. It is basically an ampty adapter with empty callbacks for every monitoring utility. It is the default monitoring adapter that is returned and used if you use the useMonitoring hook in a component that is not a child of a MonitoringProvider component.


import { DebugMonitoringAdapter } from '@monkvision/monitoring';

const adapter = new DebugMonitoringAdapter();

This Monitoring Adapter is a simple adapter that uses the local browser console to log errors and messages. This adapter can be used to debug your app locally.


import { SentryMonitoringAdapter } from '@monkvision/sentry';

const sentryMonitoringAdapter = new SentryMonitoringAdapter({
dsn: '',
environment: 'development',
debug: true,
tracesSampleRate: 0.025,
release: '1.0',

This Monitoring Adapter is the default adapter used in MonkJs web applications. It uses Monk's Sentry infrastructure to log and report elements live in your web applications. If you are one of our clients, and plan on using this adapter in your application, Monk should give you a Sentry DSN value to add to this adapter in order to link it to our infrastructure.