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Upgrading From V3

This documentation page provides guidlines to upgrade from the MonkJs 3.X version to the 4.X.

Why upgrade?โ€‹

MonkJs 4 is a complete revamp of the Monk SDK, rewritten from scratch, aimed at providing :

  • Better performances
  • Better monitoring for bug catching
  • New and improved UX/UI
  • New features (Video capture, live compliance, offline management...)
  • TypeScript typings with TSDoc integrated
  • Better documentation
  • And many more ๐Ÿš€

Another key thing is that MonkJs used to be developed as a cross-platform React-Native SDK for Web (iOS / Android / Web). This basically forced us to use Expo and other dependencies that were hard to maintain with such low-level features. MonkJs 4 solves this issue by offering basically two SDKs : one for Web using ReactJs, and one for Native using React-Native. Some packages of the SDK work for both web and native, while others are split into two separate pacakges every time : one ending with -web for Web and one ending with -native for Native.

For now, only the Web part of the SDK has been implemented, but the Native one should come soon enough!


The sights data previous exported as the default export of the Sights package is now split into 3 objects :

  • vehicles containing the details for each vehicle used as a model for the sights
  • labels containing translation details about each Sight label
  • sights containing the Sight data, with more or less the same structure as before, except for the vehicle details and sight label that now are simply a key reference to the other data export by the package.

Another major difference is that sights now include additional details such as the list of tasks recommended to be run for this sight. This means that you now don't have to specify manually which task to run for each sight when implementing a capture workflow.

How you did it in MonkJs 3โ€‹

import sights from '@monkvision/sights';

const sight = sights['fesc20-H1dfdfvH'];
console.log(JSON.stringify(sight, null, 2));
* Output :
* {
* "id": "fesc20-H1dfdfvH",
* "category": "exterior"
* "overlay": "<svg>...</svg>"
* "label": {
* "en":"Front Low",
* "fr":"Avant (position basse)"
* },
* }

How you do it in MonkJs 4โ€‹

import { sights, labels } from '@monkvision/sights';

const sight = sights['fesc20-H1dfdfvH'];
console.log(JSON.stringify(sight, null, 2));
* Output :
* {
* "id": "fesc20-H1dfdfvH",
* "category": "exterior",
* "label": "front-low",
* "overlay": "<svg>...</svg>",
* "tasks": [
* "damage_detection"
* ],
* "vehicle": "fesc20"
* }

console.log(JSON.stringify(labels[sight.label], null, 2));
* Output :
* {
* "key": "front-low",
* "en": "Front Low",
* "fr": "Avant - vue basse",
* "de": "Vorderseite Niedrig"
* }

Camera and Inspection Captureโ€‹

The @monkvision/camera package used to provide components such as Capture that were used to implement the picture taking workflows (capture workflows) for inspections, as well as declaring the Camera app used by these Capture components. This package has now been split into two :

  • @monkvision/camera-web : A package that export a component called Camera that implements a camera preview used to take pictures, as well as logic utilities used to handle this camera. Usually, as a developer using the SDK, you won't have to use this package directly.
  • @monkvision/inspection-capture-web : A package that export capture components (such as PhotoCapture) used to integrate the different Monk inspection capture workflows into your app.

How you did it in MonkJs 3โ€‹

import monk from '@monkvision/corejs';
import { Capture, Controls } from '@monkvision/camera';

const { TaskName } = monk.types;
monk.config.authConfig = { domain: '' };
monk.config.accessToken = 'YOUR_AUTH0_ACCESS_TOKEN';

const inspectionId = '1e11fb94-26fe-4956-90b6-d11ef3c87da4';

const sightIds = [

const mapTasksToSight = [
{ id: 'fesc20-H1dfdfvH', tasks: [TaskName.DAMAGE_DETECTION] },
{ id: 'fesc20-WMUaKDp1', tasks: [TaskName.DAMAGE_DETECTION] },
{ id: 'fesc20-LTe3X2bg', tasks: [TaskName.DAMAGE_DETECTION] },
{ id: 'fesc20-hp3Tk53x', tasks: [TaskName.DAMAGE_DETECTION] },

function App() {
const [cameraLoading, setCameraLoading] = useState(false);

const controls = [
{ disabled: cameraLoading, ...Controls.AddDamageButtonProps },
{ disabled: cameraLoading, ...Controls.CaptureButtonProps },

const handleSuccess = () => {
// Update all the tasks statuses to TODO manually and then redirect to another page.

return (
onReady={() => setCameraLoading(false)}
onStartUploadPicture={() => setCameraLoading(true)}
onFinishUploadPicture={() => setCameraLoading(false)}

How you do it in MonkJs 4โ€‹

import { sights } from '@monkvision/sights';
import { PhotoCapture } from '@monkvision/inspection-capture-web';

const apiConfig = {
apiDomain: '',

const inspectionId = '1e11fb94-26fe-4956-90b6-d11ef3c87da4';

const sights = [

function App() {
const handleSuccess = () => {
// Immediately redirect to another page.

return (
compliances={{ iqa: true }}