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The MonkJs SDK includes built-in support for capturing and managing analytics events such as user interactions, page views, and custom events. Internally, we use PostHog to manage our analytics, and you are free to use our PostHog infrastructure or use your preferred analytics tool.

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Why use Analytics?

While you can opt out of our analytics features when using our SDK, we highly recommend utilizing them for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced Insights: Gain valuable insights into user interactions and behaviors in your app by leveraging our ready-to-use analytics providers.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Monitor user behavior and application usage patterns in real-time, allowing for proactive improvements.
  • Support Eligibility: Monk does not offer tech support for deployed applications and projects where analytics are disabled.

Enabling Analytics

To enable analytics support in your application, wrap your application in an AnalyticsProvider component, exported by the @monkvision/analytics, and pass it an Analytics Adapter (see the Analytics Adapter section below):

import { PosthogAnalyticsProvider } from '@monkvision/analytics';

const adapter = new PosthogMonitoringAdapter({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',
api_host: '',
environnement: 'development',
projectName: 'your_project',
release: '1.0.0',

function App() {
return (
<MonitoringProvider adapter={adapter}>

Once wrapped, every child component of this provider will have access to the useAnalytics hook (from the same package), which provides tools to utilize the analytics features:

import { useAnalytics } from '@monkvision/analytics';

function ChildComponent() {
const { trackEvent } = useAnalytics();

const handleClick = () => trackEvent('Event Name', { tagName: value });

For a complete list of features available via the useAnalytics hook, refer to the @monkvision/analytics README file.

Analytics Adapters

An Analytics Adapter is a tool or platform that implements analytics utilities for the MonkJs SDK to track events effectively. By choosing an Analytics Adapter, you decide where the analytics events will be logged. Essentially, an Analytics Adapter is any JavaScript class implementing the AnalyticsAdapter interface from the @monkvision/analytics package.

The MonkJs SDK provides two Analytics Adapters for use in React applications, described below. You can also create your own adapter to use a custom analytics infrastructure. More details can be found in the @monkvision/analytics README file.


import { EmptyAnalyticsAdapter } from '@monkvision/analytics';

const adapter = new EmptyAnalyticsAdapter();

This Analytics Adapter does nothing. It is basically an empty adapter with empty callbacks for every analytics utility. It is the default analytics adapter that is returned and used if you use the useAnalytics hook in a component that is not a child of a AnalyticsProvider component.


import { PosthogAdapterConfig } from '@monkvision/posthog';

const posthogAnalyticsAdapter = new PosthogAnalyticsAdapter({
token: 'YOUR_TOKEN',
api_host: '',
environnement: 'development',
projectName: 'your_project',
release: '1.0.0',

This Analytics Adapter is the default adapter used in MonkJs web applications. It uses Monk's Posthog infrastructure to log and report analytics events in your web applications. If you are one of our clients, and plan on using this adapter in your application, Monk should give you a token value to add to this adapter in order to link it to our infrastructure.