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In order to use the MonkJs, you will need to provide an authentication token to make API requests. This means that the first step before accessing the Capture or InspectionReport components will be to generate a token. This documentation page describes the two main ways Monk authentication tokens are generated.

Authenticating Through URL

Most of our clients usually access the Monk webapp via redirection or QR Code flashing and want to immediately let the user start using the application. To do this in your app, you can generate an authentication token in advance (using Auth0 M2M credentials provided by Monk) and pass this token as a URL search parameter.

Generating The Token

In order to generate the token, you can use the M2M authentication credentials provided by Monk and implement the Auth0 sign-in logic. Once the token has been generated, you will need to compress it using the zlib compression algorithm, then encode it in URL format. The zlib algorithm is implemented and available in many different languages and frameworks. In MonkJs, we provide utilities to do this in JavaScript :

import { zlibCompress } from '@monkvision/common';

const myToken = 'my-auth0-authentication-token';
// First, compress the token using zlib
const compressedToken = zlibCompress(myToken);
// Then, encode it in URL format
const tokenSearchParameter = encodeURIComponent(compressedToken);

Fetching The Token From URL

Once the token has been generated, you can pass it to your app via URL search params. You will then need to decompress it using zlib again. The MonkJs SDK still offers utilities to do this :

import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { zlibDecompress } from '@monkvision/common';

function HomePage() {
const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();

useEffect(() => {
const compressedToken = searchParams.get('t');
if (compressedToken) {
console.log('authToken :', zlibDecompress(compressedToken));
}, [searchParams]);

return <div>Hello World!</div>;

You can skip implementing all this logic by simply using the MonkAppStateProvider component that will handle the fetching from the search param and the decompression for you. More details on this in the next section.

Manual Login

If you want to allow your users to manually log in using their own credentials, you can install the @auth0/auth0-react package and follow their official documentation to generate an authentication token after the user has logged in.

You can also use our single page Login component (available in the @monkvision/common-ui-web package) that implements a ready-to-use login page :

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { Login } from '@monkvision/common-ui-web';

export function LoginPage() {
const { i18n } = useTranslation();
const navigate = useNavigate();

return (
onLoginSuccessful={() => navigate('/next-page')}