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This section refers to the old versions of the MonkJs SDK (version 3.X.X and below). For the v4 docs, please refer to this page.

MonkJs v3

This documentation section contains the old doc pages for the version 3 of the SDK. The previous version of the SDK was designed for web only, using React Native for Web (via Expo), whereas the v4 is designed to support both web and native, using both React and React Native.

The version 3 of the MonkJs SDK is no longer maintained, and the doc pages are outdated. A lot of interesting new features (offline mode, video...) are available only in the version 4. Consider upgrading right now by following this tutorial).

npm latest package

Get a fully automated damage report classified by type, car parts, position and severity.

Modules overview

yarn add @monkvision/corejs @monkvision/camera @monkvision/sights @monkvision/visualization @monkvision/toolkit @monkvision/ui

Bulk CLI adding all of our packages.


Pure JS API implementing schema's and reducers ready to be imported in your app. Uses Axios , Redux & Normalizr for an optimized and state control. Can also be used only to make requests directing our Monk core API.



Pure JSON collection of Sights & Overlays. A sight is an Object of data defining a Taking Picture point of view. An overlay is the graphic SVG represantion of a sight.



This is the spine of our front-end components. It allows taking high quality picture in Native & Web platforms. It also checks about compliance (blur, exposure, angle, visible car parts...) and guides users to snap their best pictures of the vehicle.



This is the voice explaining all the data we get. Built with React and React Native, it shows with smart components where are the damages, on a simple list or in a 2D vehicle representation.

Designed by our best UI/UX people, our visualization components are tailored for you and fully customizable.

For example: having damages on a red car ? Boxing damages in green because green is better seen on red.


🪲 Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Auth0 Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.

For Monk related questions/support please use the Support Center.

⚖️ License

This project is licensed under the Clear BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

What's next?

You can start following our guides on first, setting up depending on the workflow you use, then taking pictures.

Are you starting a new application? We recommend the use of Expo. Already have a React Native app? Some implementation may be required to manage iOS, Android and Web compatibility as much as possible.